Thursday, January 20, 2011

holding my head above water...

barely...kind of drowing over here...


the blog is suffering and I'm bummed.

My 8 month old is on a sleep strike and my 3 year old thinks she's 16.

My husband is working 65-80hr weeks, with a training class on Saturdays or contracts out of town.

Housework is a bare minimum, school work has to be done, couponing is going well and weight loss is underway...

I promise I'm going to be back and have plans to re-vamp my blog, changes are a coming!

Thanks for reading and sticking around!

Oh and Amanda won the movie and yes it's still sitting on the table to go to the post office, but it will go out next week I've signed the 16 3 yr old old up for an art class so I have 2 hrs to get stuff done!
