Thursday, May 21, 2009

A sense of ones self?

I'm reminded of a conversation I had with my Mum not too long ago about outfits and being/feeling put together. Now keep in mind my mother is a mere 112lbs and about 5'4 she, in the body sense, has nothing to worry about...after 3 big 8lb babies and for being 57 she looks quite fantastic, but who am I to say since she is my favorite person in the world!

Anyway back to the conversation, Mum has a pretty good sense of style despite those Mum jeans she often sports the lady is always nicely dressed, yet claims to feel like she's never really well put together. Funny because I often feel the same way...those leggin's and long shirts seem to look frumpy on me but fantastic on friends, jean skirts show off my white, chunky legs, but make someone elses legs look like a mile long.

I thought maybe I'd do better for Kaitlyn, but alas today she has on capris that are too long, white socks because she has a blister and denim sneakers...somewhat of a vagabon style.

So is it really that way though or is it a poor image of ones self? I for one am not a downer, I know I ain't the skiniest girl in town but I don't despise my body and hey we could all use a little work couldn't we? So why do I think that the long shirt and leggings look great on anyone but me? Why can't I just throw on that chunky necklace with the cute button down shirt tucked into a high waisted skirt and look like the lady walking down the street...or maybe I there someone walking behind me thinking the same thing, gosh I wish I could wear that?

Where does that sense of style come from? Do we all just need to "get over it" and wear what we want? Something I ponder as I pack again for our girls weekend in Chicago...after I tackle the loads of laundry staring me down!

Monday, May 18, 2009

What a weekend...

WOW...pretty much all I say to sum up the weekend. After so much stress and overload from the last, wow gosh year I guess, we all just let loose and went a little crazy. Starting off with pretty strong drinks from a friend that shall go nameless ;) for now, we kicked it into high gear. Ended up visiting EVERY open bar in Vail, horrible margaritas at the first followed by a shot of stomach is turning just typing about it...then some techno bar with a loser DJ who wouldn't play anything but techno because his girlfriend liked the music, ugh. Some random guys asked us to come to another bar that their friend owned...more shots and drinks passed around. Thankfully my brain functioned enough to stop accepting drinks after the first bar. Our other fabulous friend who shall also remain nameless did not...we had a crazy, crazy time.
Woke up to puke and blood from the last friend who shall remain nameless. After moaning, groaning and putting down a lot of gatorade we threw on some sweats and schlepped up to the gorgeous spa!!! A detox body wrap and massage was just what the liver ordered! if I could afford to have one of those every weekend, Vail would be my second home. After enjoying the wrap, massage, jacuzzi, pool and serenity room we decided that 4pm was way too late not to have any food in our bellys and headed back home. After lots of puking and a bad, bad headache I took friend who drank too much and smacked/cut open her head to the ER. Can I just say that if I had to pick an ER to visit it would be Vail during mud season. They were ready to take her back before we even finished checking that is service! After 2 bags of fluids, some anti-nausea meds and a CT scan we headed back home to some DELICIOUS homemade crab cakes and my ER friend managed to put down two and a glass of milk...after puking all day I don't know who does that but she did. We were too old and tired from Friday nights mishaps so by 9:30 were all in bed with the telly's turned off shortly after!

Sunday was clean up, pictures, a quick walk around Vail Village, Starbucks then off to shop the outlets in Silverthorne...I did find two new shirts, a cute skirt and new kakhis for work!! shhh don't tell the husband!

It was a great weekend, we should have controlled our craziness a little bit more on Friday to actually enjoy the spa without feeling like death but we had a lot of fun:)