Friday, January 7, 2011

100 posts!

I started this blog ages ago, posted here and there, forgot about it, picked it, then finally commited to writing again last year (okay like 6 months ago) and got into the swing of things...I took a 2 week break from writing for moving and getting settled into our house and now it's a struggle to get back into it.

Plus we currently have crap/slow internet which means my pictures take forever a day to load if and when they even do...making posting an annoying task at times...something I never wanted! I wanted this to be a place to share my views, our life and any other dribble that came to mind.

So here I am at 100 posts and should be excited but kind of having a writers block on what to say...

I'm being lame and doing a Friday 7 (idea borrowed from my friend Kara's blog)

1. Blake has decided sleep is overrated, I used to get two 1 1/2 hour long naps out of him at 10am and 3pm, now I'm lucky if he goes for 45mins and yesterday he wouldn't take a second nap. He's also up every 30mins after his 7:30pm bedtime until midnight then he sleep until about 4am, then 4-6 and 6-8. I'm TIRED and not sure what to do to fix it...

2. Kaitlyn is full of sass, I think she's bored, but when I ask if she'd like to do dance again she says no I just want to stay home with you and go to church...I'm thinking library, MOPS and church next week to get out the house and around other kids...hopefully that will put a lid on some of the sass!

3. Hubby is hopefully on his way home soon, I'm hoping we can go out to eat for lunch...7 Tequilas and a nice margarita sounds really good at the moment (and thats the name of the restaurant not the amount of liquor)

4. I'm so proud of myself in the last week and a half I have saved $120 on our groceries! I'm getting better and better at using coupons and finding the sales to combine with them! I'm determined to conquer the coupon battle! Oh and I watched "Extreme Couponing" on TLC...I kind of get why they do it, it's a thrill but really I'd never buy hundreds of toothbrushes or a wall full of toilet paper...I buy what we'll use, then when we use it up or are close to using it up I'll look for the next sale/coupon deal. 

5. Project 365 is going REALLY well! I'm enjoying it, in fact I'm having a hard time picking just ONE picture a day...look for my additional blog page on Sunday with the week's pictures. I plan to update weekly with my pictures and little inserts.

6. I'm adding two goals to my list for 2011...the first one is to read more books (this goes hand in hand with my watch less TV)  the second is to get better at the layout of my blog and understanding the html codes ect. (going hand in hand with my goal to blog 4 times a week)

7. Quick giveaway...I'm at 100 posts, should do something fun huh?
So to enter you must comment here AND be a follower to win a DVD copy of Despicable Me. We loved this silly movie and hope the winner will too! I'll draw the name on Monday morning (1/10/11) you have until Midnight EST Sunday (1/9/11) to enter.

Have a wonderful Friday, I'm off to enjoy a marg!


  1. Congrats on your 100 posts! Any coupon tips? I try- get excited and then it fizzles due to lack of time for planning my shopping trips! Meal planning/couponing is on my schedule for tonight while hubby is at work and the kids are *hopefully* sleeping!

  2. 4. lol!! I don't get it either. I do plan on stocking up on some things when we have bought our house, but not toothbrushes. If the world goes to h*ll in a handbasket, I doubt I'll be worried about needing a clean toothbrush. I'll be more concerned about having food...

    Hope Blake starts sleeping and Kaitlyn cuts out the sass, lol. Good luck!

  3. Amanda, it took me awhile to get into's organized chaos! I buy one or two Sunday papers and go through the ads, I cut/pull anything we use or know I'll buy (and to be honest) I don't use a lot of pre-made food so it's somewhat limited for our family.
    I also check daily for deals and weekly.
    I shop Publix B1G1 sales weekly and add deals to my Kroger card.

    Then when I'm ready to shop I sit down with my list, go through Publix B1G1 and see what we'll use and write it down. Then I check for any coupons that I can use ontop of the B1G1. Next check is Kroger savings, I see what coupons they have going and sales and add the coupons online to my card then clip what I can.
    Walgreens same deal. I also scour the ads to see who's selling what for the cheapest.

    It's a process, often takes me a good hour to figure out my list and where I'm going and what coupons I'm able to use but it's such a wonderful feeling to see how much I saved!!

  4. Yay congrats! Must have missed the 100 blog caught this time. =)

  5. Yay for 100 posts congrats!!! Must have missed this one got it now ;)

  6. I missed it too! congrats on 100 posts. I try hard to blog but i most of the time have writers block. Go Lisa!
